Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Definisi Seni
Menurut Herbert Read, seni adalah usaha untuk menciptakan bentuk-bentuk yang menyenangkan. Leo Tolstoy dalam bukunya ‘What is Art?’ (1896) pula menyatakan seni adalah hasil pengalaman dan perasaan yang tercerna melalui garis, warna, gerak, bunyi, kata-kata, bahasa dan rupa bentuk yang dikongsi bersama orang lain.

Raymond William menyatakan bahawa seni itu mencakupi berbagai bidang seperti senihalus (catan, arca, lukisan, cetakan, instalasi, video), seni ukir, seni tembikar (seramik), seni logam, tekstil, pementasan, sastera dan seni muzik. Bagi beliau seni adalah sebagai satu kemahiran yang bersifat imaginatif dan kreatif. Sementara R.G. Collingwood mendefinisikan seni sebagai satu ekspresi dari satu aktiviti yang melibatkan pengeluaran rasa emosi pengkarya seni.

Dr. Sidi Gazalba menyatakan bahawa seni itu indah dan indah itu adalah baik. Menurut beliau sesebuah karya seni itu perlu ada unsur-unsur kebaikan, kebenaran dan nilai-nilai moral yang tinggi. Menurut beliau, matlamat akhir sesuatu seni ialah ketakwaan kepada Tuhan yang maha esa.
Seni adalah apa sahaja yang mempunyai nilai-nilai keindahan atau estetika. Manusia lazimnya suka kepada sesuatu keindahan walaupun nilai “keindahan” itu sendiri berbeza-beza menurut pandangan masing-masing. Menilai sesuatu kesenian memerlukan ilmu yang diperolehi melalui pengalaman dan pendidikan. Jika seseorang itu dididik dengan nilai keindahan yang baik, maka ia akan menilai seni yang baik dengan penilaian yang “baik”. Sebaliknya jika pengalaman seseorang menjurus kepada kesenian yang kurang kurang baik, maka penilaian seni yang baik baginya adalah sebenarnya seni yang kurang baik bagi orang lain. Penilaian baik / tidak baik, indah / buruk atau betul / salah jika tidak berlandaskan agama misalnya akan menyebabkan penilaian seni itu sendiri dinilai menurut pandangan dan penilaian golongan majoriti.

Perkataan yang biasanya digunakan untuk menggambarkan keindahan termasuklah – cantik, indah, lawa, tampan, manis, merdu, sedap, enak dan sebagainya. Semuanya bergantung perkara yang dirujuk. Contohnya enak, manis, lemak bagi makanan; cantik, tampan, lawa bagi manusia.

Seni Berasaskan Panceindera
Pancaindera memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam seni. Jadi kerana itu, saya mencadangkan bahawa seni hendaklah dikategorikan berdasarkan input pancaindera. Seni dibahagikan kepada enam iaitu – seni visual, seni rasa, seni sentuhan, seni nasal, seni bunyi dan seni bahasa.
Seni visual adalah semua seni yang dinikmati melalui deria penglihatan. Terbahagi kepada dua bahagian iaitu seni visual 2D dan 3D. Seni visual 2D wujud pada permukaan rata – misalnya lukisan, catan, kolaj, khat, kaligrafi dan sebagainia. Seni yang wujud secara 3 dimensi pula contohnya arca, seni bina (bangunan, kapal dsb).

Seni bunyi pula dapat dibahagikan kepada dua iaitu seni bunyi muzik dan seni bunyi bukan muzik. Seni muzik ialah bunyi-bunyi indah yang disusun secara logik berdasarkan elemen-elemen muzik misalnya irama, warna ton, mud, melodi, harmoni, tekstur dan format (bentuk / form). Bunyi yang indah tetapi tidak mengikut susunan logik termasuk dalam seni bunyi bukan muzik. Contohnya bunyi alam semula jadi – ombak, kicauan burung, unggas dan sebagainya.

Seni rasa melibatkan deria rasa melalui lidah. Rasa makanan iaitu kombinasi manis, masin, masam, pedas, payau dan pahit diadun menjadikan makanan sesuatu yang enak.
Seni sentuhan dapat dirasai melalui deria sentuhan. Kombinasi lembut / kasar, licin / kesat, tajam / tumpul dan lain-lain dapat dirasa melalui sentuhan. Jika kita memakai pakaian yang selesa, bermaksud rasa sentuhan yang “indah” dapat dirasakan. Begitu juga dengan tekstur makanan – makanan sengaja dibiarkan dalam keadaan agak kasar supaya teksturnya dapat dirasakan semasa di dalam mulut.

Seni nasal merujuk kepada bau yang dapat dicapai melalui pancaindera hidung. Bau yang indah termasuklah wangi dan harum atau apa sahaja istilah yang digunakan. Manusia tentu sekali menyukai sesuatu yang harum kerana telah semenjak lahir kanak-kanak telah diberitahu bahawa bau harum adalah sesuatu yang indah. Bagaimana pula dengan bau durian? Mengapakah masyarakat di Malaysia menganggap baunya harum sebaliknya bagi orang Eropah ia dianggap busuk?
Akhir sekali adalah seni dalam bahasa atau seni sastera. Seni sastera adalah hasil dari kombinasi perkataan-perkataan yang dipilih dan disusun sedemikian rupa supaya pembaca dapat merasai keindahannya. Dalam sastera juga terdapat elemen-elemen penting yang dapat meningkatkan nilai karya sastera / puisi.

Pelbagai Cabang Seni Yang Digabungkan
Jarang sekali seni wujud secara bersendiriam, walau pun ada. Ini disebabkan manusia manusia akan mengeksploitasi semua pancaindera manusia secara maksimum . Contohnya dalam sebuah persembahan nyanyian di atas pentas, seni muzik (bunyian) digabungkan dengan seni fesyen, backdrop (visual), nyanyian itu sendiri digabungkan dengan seni sastera (dalam lirik lagu). Pentas pula dihiasi dengan lampu berwarna warni (visual).

Contoh lain ialah dalam sebuah restoran – seni masakan (rasa – lidah) diabungkan dengan seni muzik (muzik dipasang dengan lembut (seni muzik), restoran pula dihiasi dengan perhiasan seperti catan dan ukiran tradisional (visual). makanan dihidangkan di atas meja dan pinggan mangkuk yang cantik. Bau dalam restoran pula adalah bau masakan yang menyelerakan. Dengan cara ini ia akan dapat menarik minat pelanggan disebabkan eksploitasi kegemaran manusia kepada keindahan
Arts in Education

Recommended Reading
Related links

Always among the highest expression of every culture, the arts teach us much about every historical period through its literature, visual arts, music, dance, and drama. Today it is recognized that to be truly well educated one must not only learn to appreciate the arts, but must have rich opportunities to actively participate in creative work. The arts are languages that most people speak, cutting through individual differences in culture, educational background, and ability. They can bring every subject to life and turn abstractions into concrete reality. Learning through the arts often results in greater academic achievement and higher test scores.


Learning Through the Arts Dee Dickinson
This report presents a synthesis of the research on the contribution of arts education to learning. It presents information on Seattle schools and others that have incorporated the arts successfully. The report discusses the relationship between the arts and cognition and the ways each art form promotes unique ways of knowing.

Research-Based Justification for the Highline School District Elementary and Secondary School Music Programs Sandra Locklear
A report updated for 2008 on current research indicating the positive outcomes of an arts education for all children.
Stimulating the Brain and Senses Through Art Dee Dickinson and Linda Bellon-Fisher, et al
An interview with the founder and CEO of New Horizons for Learning by the Washington State Arts Commission.

Arts, Neuroscience, and Learning James E. Zull
Is it possible to discuss art in terms of science? If all human behavior and achievement is the result of physical and chemical events in our brain, then ultimately we should be able to do this.

Getting to the Top: Arts Essential Academic Learning Requirements Doug Herbert
How to make the arts a core subject.

Arts Essential Learnings
How students can demonstrate their learning in the arts.

A Conversation with Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee on his 2004-06 Education Commission of the States Chairman's Initiative: The Arts – A Lifetime of Learning
The Education Commission of the States Focuses on Integrating the Arts in Education. A press release of the announcement is followed by an interview with new chairman, Governor Mike Huckabee.

Teaching Basics Through the Arts Mona Brookes
The founder of Monart Drawing Schools discusses the important role drawing can play in elementary education.

Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Social and Academic Development James Catterall
The results of numerous studies on the arts in education further cement the importance of the arts.
Boston Public Schools as Arts-Integrated Learning Organizations Eric Oddleifson
The arts as core curriculum.

Every Child Needs the Arts Charles Fowler
According to Dr Fowler, "if human beings are to survive, we need all the symbolic forms at our command because they permit us not only to preserve and pass along our accumulated wisdom but also to give voice to the invention of new visions."

The Necessary Role of the Arts in Education and Society: Finding the Creative Power Within Us to Control Our Lives and Shape Our Destinies Eric Oddleifson
How the arts can transform society as we know it.

The Window: Saving Creativity in Teens Sebastian Lockwood
A college teacher and bard urges educators to continue to teach students to develop the processes of creativity as they grow.

Learning Through Creative Play Leah Mann
Director Emeritus and Co-Founder of Lelavision shows us how learning and play can reinforce each other.

A Case for the Arts in Education Christine Goodheart
The director for the K-12 Initiatives for Education at the University of Washington makes a case for the importance of the arts in education.

Why Arts Are Important Dee Dickinson
Fifteen answers to the question "why are arts important?" are listed here.

The Arts are Nice, But . . . Stephanie B. Perrin
An arts education is part of the "real world."

A Fifty School Arts Education Demonstration Project Eric Oddleifson
How the arts can help failing schools succeed.

Building a School Culture of High Standards Ron Berger
What does a conception of art have to do with high standards? It means seeing art as inextricably a part of all that we produce and share.

Confessions of a Professional Volunteer Mary Anne Dorward
A mother relates the story of her volunteer work at her daughter's elementary school and the transformation she was able to bring about. A story to inspire us all.

I Made It By Myself Richard Lewis
Play is the great discoverer, and its discoveries are the frontiers and landscapes of our imagining mind. While our hands play, the inner realms of our imagination grow. We literally learn to see through playing and imagining, a world not only in front of us, but a deeper world suggested by the dance of our imagining self.

Education Through the Arts in Secondary Schools Stephanie B. Perrin
Intensive arts training, far from being impractical and elitist, can prepare students for life and work by developing in them the general skills and attitudes, the habits of heart and mind they need to prevail in postmodern society no matter what career they chose.

Creative Schools, Connected Communities: Developing Partnerships for Arts Education Louis Fox and Christine Goodheart
How do schools create an effective arts program without proper funding? This article explains the partnership idea and shows us how vital the arts are to education.

Arts-Infused Summer School Susy Watts
A national consultant in arts consultant in arts curriculum demonstrates the effect of integrated instruction on student achievement in literacy and mathematics.

Report on the Learning Through the Arts Conference at IslandWood Lee Ann Woolery
A report on a recent, highly successful conference on Learning Through the Arts, With Emphasis on Math, Language Arts, and Science.

Arts Learning and the Creative Economy Jack Yantis
Integrated Arts educator recognizes that creativity is essential to the way we live and work today and contemplates how professional development will be reformed to discover new ways to foster creativity while providing a structure in which to produce and manage work.

Community Schools: Arts and Academics After School Joel Isaksen
The Community Schools Manager for Seattle's Powerful Schools describes the five guiding principles in the development of their programs.

The Story of Arts Corps Lisa Fitzhugh
The story of a remarkable arts organization and its founder will inspire many on both personal and professional levels.

Filling the Gap in After-School Arts Education: A report on a new organization's progress in the community Lisa Fitzhugh
The results of the Arts Corps program, whose mission is to providing quality after-school arts education classes free to youth, particularly in underserved, low- and middle-income neighborhoods, support their vision that art has a transforming effect on youth that will have a ripple effect in the community, building communities that are more compassionate and innovative.

Coming Up Taller Judith Weitz
The Coming Up Taller Awards support after school, weekend, and summer arts and humanities programs that use the arts, words, and ideas to provide children with paths to self-discovery, self-expression, and self-confidence.
The Value of the Arts to the Community and Education AnnRené Joseph
Ms. Joseph shares numerous quotations that reinforce the importance of the arts in education.

More Arts! It's Essential and the Law! AnnRené Joseph
The Program Supervisor for the Arts at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Olympia, Washington offers critically important , practical, and timely information regarding the importance of the arts in education.

Education at the Museum of Glass Susan Warner
Director of Education for the Museum of Glass describes the value of active, integrated project-based learning in their program.

Seattle Center Academy: Reach For It Cinda Johnson
The evaluator of a highly successful, unique summer program in the arts describes how special needs students benefit from inclusion in such a program.

ArtsPlace: It Really Works! Sharon Nesbitt Davis and Claire Rotolo
An out of school program in Illinois puts teens to work as apprentices to local artists.

Art Therapy: A Proposal for Inclusion in School Settings Eve C. Jarboe
Ms. Jarboe explains the basics of art therapy and makes a case for its addition to school counseling programs.

Chaim Potok's My Name is Asher Lev, Art History and Images From the World Wide Web
Alan Warhaftig
Including art history creates a richer, more powerful lesson.
An Interview with Robert E. Horn
Robert E. Horn Horn talks about his research on visual language and the implications for curriculum development and teaching.

The Nature Journal as a Tool for Learning Karen Matsumoto
Drawing their observations in a field journal can be a powerful way for students to get to know their natural community and the geography of their home environment.

Knowing the Language of Place Through the Arts Lee Ann Woolery
Arts Coordinator of IslandWood uses art as a way of connecting with the landscape to more deeply understand the ecology and make a stronger connection to place.

Finding a Relationship To Place Through Natural Fiber Weaving Melinda West
Hands-on natural fiber projects derived from the local traditional cultures and native plants of any given area of the world can open a doorway to place, providing new skills for expressing a relationship to the land.

Music and the Mind Dee Dickinson
Dee Dickinson discusses reports that attest to the connection between music and academic achievement.

Music for Educators: Music, Literacy and Standards Alan Warhaftig
With so much attention focused on reading and math, what will be the role of the arts, including music, in the new order of education? Alan Warhaftig shows us the vital role the arts play in teaching standards.

Music and Learning: Integrating Music in the Classroom Chris Brewer
A musician and master teacher offers successful guidelines and strategies for incorporating music into the learning environment.

Interactive Music Strategies for the Academic Curriculum Michelle Lazar
A gifted musician and teacher describes practical ways to use music as another multi-sensory approach to teaching math, literacy, science, and social studies.

Left Handed Music Making Ryan Thomson
This article explores the tradition of violin playing that has the player fingering with the left hand and bowing with the right. It challenges this form as "the right way" for those who are naturally left-handed, and explores a number of related handedness issues.

"Musicians' Tools" for the Workplace Peggy Rostron
The author, founder of the Maestro Effect, director of the Rostron Piano School and symphony pianist, describes how adults who have never had musical training can learn aspects of music and music-making and use it to enhance workplace performance.

An Excerpt from Learning From Lyrics Johnathan Chase
Chase makes a case for the educational use of songs by teachers in all subject areas.

Making Music With Your Child Kia Portafekas
A music educator shows how to create and use music in all types of everyday situations in and out of the classroom.
Music Activities as a Cognitive Tool for the Enhancement of Analytical Perception, Comparison, and Synthesis for the Blind Learner Adena Portowitz
Music can be used to train the mind in abstract thought.

Waldorf Approach Offers Hope in Schools for Juvenile Offenders Arline Monks
An experimental program for juvenile offenders in Yuba County, California utilizes Waldorf methods and curricula in two schools, T.E. Mathews Community School, a school for twelve-to-eighteen year-old offenders who are under a court order to attend, and The Garden Court School in Juvenile Hall, a lock-up facility. Waldorf methods have had a dramatic affect on teachers and students, and principal Ruth Mikkelson is looking to apply the approach in other schools that serve at-risk youth.

Providing Meaningful Learning Through Story and an Inquiry Approach to Science Education Kathleen Carroll
The author discusses her book and audiotape Sing a Song of Science which teachers can use to reinforce students' concrete experiences with scientific phenomena.

Creative Dramatics in the Classroom Dee Dickinson
All teachers can use these strategies for bringing any subject to life through dramatic improvisation.

Drama and Teaching Math Mark Wahl
Arts integration is for every discipline. Mark Wahl shows us how drama can enhance the teaching of math.

The Cappies: Celebrating High School Theater Like Never Before Bill Strauss and Judy Bowns
A new program for showcasing the acheivements of high school theater students and critics.

Festival in the Workplace: Igniting Passion for World Class Excellence Roosevelt Finlayson and Patrice A. Francis
Ways in which drama and artistic creation can make work fun.

Limbic Limbo Leah Mann
An accomplished dancer and gymnast describes the importance of helping all students to develop imagination and creative thinking, tapping into their inner artist.

Language of Dance Distance Exchange Program: Drop From Above-- Dance Across the Pond Jane Dulieu
The author discusses bringing children of two different cultures together with dance.

Movement is the Key to Learning Anne Green Gilbert
Bringing dance into your classroom will not only increase learning, but will make your classroom a healthier, happier place to learn and teach.

A Brain Compatible Approach to Studio Dance Anne Green Gilbert
The Artistic Director of Seattle Creative Dance Center details her studio's approach of integrating current brain research into the teaching of dance concepts and techniques.

Natural Connections: Developing the Personal Intelligences Though Music and Movement Judy Bonne
The author, Principal of Grayline Elementary, explains the POWER SKILLS program which the school pilots as part of its School Improvement Plan. Based upon the musical, inter and interpersonal components of the theory of multiple intelligences, the program is in its third year of schoolwide implementation. The results are significant. The interventions are powerful enough to improve learning.

The Arts Journey in Progress AnnRené Joseph
The Program Supervisor for the Arts at the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction updates her report on Washington State's arts assessment program to assure the inclusion of the arts as an Essential Academic Learning Requirement in the K-12 curriculum